Make your website international

Our platform is designed so that you can easily add new language versions of your website. 

A standard language selector can be added to your website, so that visitors can select their preferred language. 

Your website is secure

Having an SSL certificate for your website is an important way to ensure that your site is validated as being trustworthy by browsers, and may also boost your ranking in search results.

For example, the Google Chrome browser has begun actively warning users when they visit a website without an SSL certificate.

Data privacy features

We take data privacy seriously, and so should you. New data privacy legislation, such as the EU General Data Protection Regulation, is increasingly adding additional data privacy requirements for businesses to take into consideration. Our platform provides all the necessary features for your business to be compliant*:


Add legal policies, such as data privacy policy or terms and conditions, on a dedicated page on your website. You can also add multiple language versions with specific legal information for each country or region.


Need to collect consent from your visitors? All form and contact modules that collect visitor data have an opt-in function that documents consent, time and place (URL) of your visitors' consent, as well as links to your privacy policy. 


With new data privacy regulations, you need to give consumers access to the data you've collected on them. With our platform, you can easily generate a full report on what data you have on a specific visitor, including form data, customer database, e-commerce and blog comments for any given email address.

Give your visitors the option to give explicit consent when sharing your content on social media.  Our social media opt-in function makes it easy for visitors to decide when to enable the ability to share content via social media share icons. 


New data privacy regulations require that websites have a cookie notification bar, so that visitors can give their consent to store cookies in their browsers. Our platform features a cookie notification that makes it clear to visitors that you are using cookies, and also gives them the option to revoke cookie consent, should they wish to do so. 

*Please note that it is the responsibility of the individual business owner to ensure compliance with any data privacy regulations. Use of our platform alone does not ensure compliance, but rather provides the technology to makes compliance possible