

Calls-to-action are an important way to direct your visitors on your website to engage with your business. Whether you want to push visitors to call you, reach out via email, visit your store or buy your products, we'll ensure that the calls-to-action on your website help drive conversions.

Opening hours

Display your opening hours to your website visitors, so they know when they can reach out to your business or visit your physical location: 

  • Display standard opening hours
  • Display special opening hours; for example the holiday season
  • Display an 'Open now' to immediately attract visitors, for example mobile visitors browsing your website in the local area


Lists are a great way to organize content on your website, and can be useful for listing product/services, offerings, features and more, on your website. Our platform allows you to:

  • Add a regular list to your website
  • Add icons as a visual cue to enhance your list
  • Add links to the items in your list, for example: a link to another page or downloading a document
  • Add an accordian list to showcase text-heavy content in a dynamic and visually appealing way, for example: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Reviews are a great addition to any website, and can help you:

  • Establish online trust and credibility 
  • Showcase an existing base of satisfied customers
  • Ultimately, help drive conversion on your website!

You can add reviews for specific products or services, or general reviews for your business.


Showcase special offers that you want to highlight to your website visitors. This is particularly useful if you run a special offers on a regular basis, and gives you a dedicated space to showcase, for example: 

  • Restaurants: Monthly menu offering
  • Hair dressers: Weekly promotion on a beauty treatment
  • Retail: An offer on a specific category of products

Price list

Showcase your products and services, a description and their price. This is useful for visitors to evaluate if your business is within their budget. For example, it can be used for: 

  • Products: Show the prices of different products
  • Restaurant: Show your menu and prices

Digital business card

Create a digital business card for team members, so customers can easily get in touch with them for future appointments. Your customers can easily download the details of their favorite team member for safekeeping, or share their details with family and friends.

Content management

Content management is an important part of keeping your website structured and organized. With our platform it's easy to manage all the assets (images, documents, and more) that you upload, as well as reuse your basic business information across your website.

File manager

The File Manager is your website media library - when you upload a picture or PDF document anywhere on your website, it gets automatically stored in the File Manager for future unlimited use. You can easily search, sort and view your files at any time.

Consistent content

Our platform has a powerful and time-saving feature called Global Data that allows you to reuse common and important business information throughout your website. It functions as a shortcut, saving you time when adding and editing your website content, for example: if you update your opening hours in Global Data, this will be automatically updated across your website.